(MULTILINE) Three proofs of God’s perfect, unilateral, and unconditional love for us:(MULTILINE) God proved His love for us while we were helpless, ungodly, sinners(MULTILINE) God proved His love for us in a way that far exceeds human love(MULTILINE) God proved His love for us through the death of C …

(MULTILINE) Five reasons that Christians can confidently rejoice in their tribulations:(MULTILINE) Because tribulation isn’t purposeless(MULTILINE) Because tribulation produces perseverance(MULTILINE) Because tribulation produces proven character(MULTILINE) Because tribulation produces hope(M …

(MULTILINE) Four blessings that we possess through faith in Jesus:(MULTILINE) We are justified(MULTILINE) We have peace with God(MULTILINE) We stand in God’s grace(MULTILINE) We have joyful confidence in the future(MULTILINE)

(MULTILINE) Five important details concerning God’s gospel promise: (MULTILINE) God’s gospel promise is received by faith and not by works (vv. 13-15)(MULTILINE) God’s gospel promise is rooted in God’s grace and not our merit (v. 16a)(MULTILINE) God’s gospel promise is guaranteed to all who believe …

(MULTILINE) Four helpful clarifications of justification by faith alone:(MULTILINE) Justification by faith alone historically illustrated: Abraham justified by faith alone (vv. 1-3)(MULTILINE) Justification by faith alone carefully distinguished: not a work or a wage but a gift (vv.4-5)(MULTILINE) J …

(MULTILINE) Four distinctive features of salvation by faith:(MULTILINE) Salvation by faith is totally of the Lord and eliminates all cause for human boasting (v. 27)(MULTILINE) Salvation by faith is completely apart from works of the law (v. 28)(MULTILINE) Salvation by faith is for all people …

(MULTILINE) Four progressions for understanding how sorrow can be transformed into joy: confusion, explanation, illustration, and application.(MULTILINE) Confusion – We often don’t understand life in this fallen world(MULTILINE) Explanation – Jesus promises that the Christian’s sorrow will be …

(MULTILINE) We are going to see three purposes of the cross of Jesus so that we may better understand the redemption He purchased on our behalf:(MULTILINE) The cross of Jesus is a public display of Divine propitiation (v. 25a)(MULTILINE) The cross of Jesus is a clear demonstration of Divine righteou …

(MULTILINE) We are going to see three encouraging truths concerning the righteousness of God and the gospel so that we might know how all our sins can be forgiven:(MULTILINE) The gospel demonstrates the righteousness of God (v. 21)(MULTILINE) The gospel makes the righteousness of God available to al …

(MULTILINE) Five lessons about sin and judgment so that we can rightly understand our dire spiritual condition and seek the only remedy: (MULTILINE) All people are under sin (v. 9)(MULTILINE) All people are unrighteous (vv. 10-12)(MULTILINE) All people act unrighteously (vv. 13-18)(MULTILINE) …

(MULTILINE) Four objections to the truth that Jews as well as Gentiles are guilty before God and deserving of judgment for sin:(MULTILINE) Hey Paul! So is there any spiritual benefit to being Jewish? (vv. 1-2)(MULTILINE) Hey Paul! If all Jews aren’t automatically saved, isn’t God unfaithful to His p …

(MULTILINE) Two examples of how spiritual privilege does not equal pardon from guilt:(MULTILINE) The spiritual privilege of having the Law does not equal pardon from the guilt of breaking God’s Law (vv. 17-24)(MULTILINE) The spiritual privilege of outward identification with the people of God does n …

(MULTILINE) Three important lessons about the judgment of God:(MULTILINE) God’s judgment is an impartial evaluation of each person’s deeds (vv. 6-11)(MULTILINE) God’s judgment demands the personal, perfect, perpetual performance of His Law (vv. 12-13)(MULTILINE) God’s judgment will be applied justly …

(MULTILINE) Three truths about self-righteousness that should cause us to flee all self-righteousness for the gospel:(MULTILINE) Self-righteous people are just as guilty before God as the sinners just described(MULTILINE) God’s kindness is intended to produce repentance, not greater self-righteousne …

(MULTILINE) We will see together three checkpoints as we make the descent into the depths of human depravity:(MULTILINE) 1. Sin flows from idolatry, the exchange of the truth of God for a lie(MULTILINE) 2. This idolatrous exchange leads to further sinful exchanges(MULTILINE) 3. These many sinful exc …

(MULTILINE) Four warnings to keep us from the tragic consequences of idolatry:(MULTILINE) Warning! What we believe about God truly matters (v. 24a “Therefore…”)(MULTILINE) Warning! Abandoning God leads to God abandoning you to your sins (v. 24a “…God gave them over…”)(MULTILINE) Warning! Greater sin …

(MULTILINE) Five lessons for living in the joy of God’s forgiveness: Those who are forgiven by God are truly blessed (vv.1-2)(MULTILINE) Those who refuse to confess their sins suffer turmoil (vv. 3-4)(MULTILINE) Those who confess their sins quickly are wise (vv. 5-7)(MULTILINE) Those who stubbornly …

(MULTILINE) Romans 8:31-32 teaches us that the gift of God’s Son serves as the greatest proof that God is always for us. (MULTILINE) How “God is for us” in Romans 5-8: God is for us by justifying us (5:1) God is for us by granting us peace with Him (5:1) God is for us by giving us the grace in which …

(MULTILINE) Four biblical scenes of God’s nearness: (MULTILINE) 1. God comes near in the Garden(MULTILINE) 2. God comes near in the Tabernacle(MULTILINE) 3. God comes near in the Psalms(MULTILINE) 4. God comes nearest in the person of Jesus(MULTILINE)

(MULTILINE) Three ways in which God comforts us in all our afflictions:(MULTILINE) 1. God speaks words of comfort (vv. 1-2a)(MULTILINE) 2. God gives reasons for comfort (v. 2b)(MULTILINE) 3. God’s nearness brings comfort (vv. 3-5)(MULTILINE)

(MULTILINE) Five tragic realities concerning the spiritual condition of lost people: (MULTILINE) 1. Lost people know that God exists (1:19-20)(MULTILINE) 2. Lost people suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness (1:18)(MULTILINE) 3. Lost people refuse to worship God or give thanks (1:21a)(MULTILIN …

(MULTILINE) Three reasons why God’s wrath has been revealed:(MULTILINE) Because all people are ungodly and unrighteous(MULTILINE) Because all people have seen and suppressed the truth(MULTILINE) Because all people are guilty and without excuse(MULTILINE)

Five reasons not to be ashamed of the gospel…five reasons for gospel confidence: (MULTILINE) Because of the nature of the gospel – God’s power(MULTILINE) Because of the purpose of the gospel – salvation(MULTILINE) Because of the scope of the gospel – everyone who believes(MULTILINE) Because of the i …

(MULTILINE) Three marks of a healthy, gospel-centered community: (MULTILINE) 1. Gospel gratitude for God’s work in others (1:8) (MULTILINE) 2. Gospel encouragements both given and received (1:9-12) (MULTILINE) 3. Gospel preaching prized and practiced (1:13-15) (MULTILINE)

(MULTILINE)As Paul introduces himself to the Christians at Rome, we will see: Five ways in which Jesus is at the center of all things.(MULTILINE) 1. Jesus the Master – The Center of All Authority(MULTILINE) 2. Jesus the Messiah – The Center of God’s Redemptive Plan(MULTILINE) 3. Jesus the Ri …

(MULTILINE) God’s Gospel in Romans: 1. Guilt (Romans 1-3) (MULTILINE) 2. Grace (Romans 4-11) (MULTILINE) 3. Gratitude (Romans 12-16) (MULTILINE)

Three lessons we need to learn about the certainty of God’s coming judgment: 1. God’s judgment is certain to come because of our sin 2. God’s judgment is certain to come just as it has for others 3. God’s judgment is certain to come despite our best efforts

Four essential features of being a Christian: Christians have undergone a radical valuation recalibration Christians experience the peace of justification Christians grow through the purifying work of sanctification Christians look forward in hope to their eventual glorification

Three faith-building details surrounding the fall of Nineveh: 1. The settled certainty of Nineveh’s future destruction 2. The incredible specificity of Nineveh’s future destruction 3. The ultimate authority behind Nineveh’s future destruction

In our text this morning, we will see that God saves His people through the destruction of their enemies: 1. God pronounces judgment upon our enemies resulting in their destruction The reasons for God’s judgment (1:9-11) The results of God’s judgment (1:14) The ridiculousness of thinking you …

God reveals Himself to us in these verses in two primary ways: 1. God executes both just judgment and merciful salvation 2. God executes either just judgment or merciful salvation upon every person

“The Call for All to Praise” Psalm 148 Pastor Lance Gentry In Psalm 148, we are going to receive two summonses to praise our Creator King, for the praise of God is the very purpose for which all things were created. 1. All creation is summoned to praise the Creator King (vss. 1-6) 2. All people are …

Four lessons for a faltering faith: 1. Our faith is incomplete and sometimes faltering 2. The revelation of Jesus Christ is sufficient to strengthen our faith 3. Those who have saving faith are blessed 4. Jesus is patient, gracious, and gentle with our Imperfect faith

Five helps for ascending out of the depths of anguish and despair: Understand that Christians can descend to the depths When in the depths, cry out to our attentive God Remember that our most dire dilemma has already been fully resolved Wait for the Lord, trusting in the certain promises of H …

Three lessons we need to learn about gospel transformation: 1. Gospel transformation is enhanced by the faithful ministry of others 2. Gospel transformation results in good deeds 3. Gospel transformation is rooted in God’s grace

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Titus: The Gospel-Transformed Church
Titus 3:10-11

Titus: The Gospel-Transformed Church
Titus 3:8-9

Titus: The Gospel-Transformed Church
Titus 3:5-7

Titus: The Gospel-Transformed Church
Titus 3:3-4

Titus: The Gospel-Transformed Church
Titus 3:1-2